Teaching a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Sub-objective 1: Possesses knowledge of subject matter content


Provides information that is accurate and appropriate to standards

Demonstrates sufficient content knowledge to meet needs of students performing at, below, and above grade level


Sub-objective 2:

Adheres to established curricular guides


Uses district pacing guides to plan units, lessons and assessments

Maintains instructional pacing guides and implements benchmarks

as scheduled


Sub-objective 3:

Organizes subject matter around content standards


Applies content knowledge to organize curriculum, plan lessons and units, and select instructional strategies and resources that demonstrate key concepts


Sub-objective 4:Establishes and articulates learning goals and outcomes aligned to content standards


Displays and communicates clear learning goals and references them throughout the lesson

Establishes learning objectives that are consistently connected to

students' prior knowledge and/or relevant to real life experiences

Establishes outcomes at level of rigor intended for grade or course


Sub-objective 5:

Uses assessment and data analysis to guide instruction and promote student growth


Collects and analyzes assessment data from a variety of sources and uses this data to plan, differentiate and modify instruction