General Education Transportation Services

Becoming Future Ready

Through Student-Focused Services

Bringing Bussing Back

For the first time in more than 10 years, the 2022-23 enacted California State Budget included additional funding for Home to School Transportation providing San Marcos Unified with nearly $2.8 million per year to either expand Home to School transportation or absorb the funds into the existing Transportation Budget.

Because there is no mandate to expand services, some districts choose to simply absorb the funds into their operating budget.  However, we heard from our San Marcos community that this expanded service is something families wanted, and in March 2023, the Governing Board approved the Home to School Transportation Plan.

The plan outlines which students would be eligible for the new service, per the State's funding criteria, and outlines the goal to phase in as many schools as possible in the coming years.

By August 2024, every elementary school in the San Marcos Unified School District will offer bus service with plans to include middle schools in the coming school year.

What you should know...

We want to ensure the safety and well-being of all students during their bus transportation to and from school. To create a secure and respectful environment for everyone on board, we have established the following bus safety rules. We kindly request your cooperation in familiarizing yourselves and your child with these rules to guarantee a safe and enjoyable bus ride:

Don't Miss the Bus: Students should leave home with sufficient time to reach their designated bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the scheduled departure time. Once the bus doors are closed, they cannot be reopened, and the driver cannot reactivate the red lights and stop signal arm to accommodate late students. If the bus has already departed the stop, please do not attempt to run after it. Rest assured, the driver will never leave before the scheduled departure time.
Walk Safely: Students shall walk to the bus stop, not run, stay on the sidewalk or, if unavailable, remain as far away from the roadway and traffic as possible. Cross streets only at intersections with crosswalks and look both ways before crossing.
Wait in a Safe Place: Stay at least six (6) feet away from the edge of the roadway while waiting for the bus. Students shall not run around or play at the bus stop; they shall use quiet voices and refrain from trespassing on neighboring properties.
A GIF of a School Bus Danger ZoneBoarding the Bus: Students shall form a line facing the direction of the approaching bus while maintaining a distance of twelve (12) feet from it. Wait for the driver to open the bus door after it has come to a complete stop before walking or running toward the bus. Remind them to have their bus pass ready for the driver and to scan it if equipped with a barcode reader.
Watch Your Step: Students are encouraged to use the handrail and carefully walk up the steps when boarding the bus. If seatbelts are available, students should fasten them properly and keep their belongings in their laps. Students shall be considerate of others and avoid saving seats for friends. Changing seats while the bus is in motion is not permitted.
Use Safe and Quiet Voices: Using a safe and quiet voice while riding the bus helps prevent distractions and allows the driver to focus on the road and ensure everyone's safety.
Windows: Students shall always ask the bus driver for permission before opening windows. All body parts, including their head, arms, hands, and objects, shall be kept inside the bus at all times. Throwing anything out of the windows is strictly prohibited.
Keep the Aisles Clear: Keeping backpacks and other items in their lap ensures clear aisles. Nothing should obstruct the aisles, including legs, arms, books, backpacks, instruments, and sporting equipment. A clear aisle is crucial for safe entry, exit, and emergency evacuation.
Be Courteous: Show respect to fellow passengers and the bus driver at all times. Follow the bus driver's instructions, keep your hands to yourselves, and remain seated throughout the journey. Eating or drinking on the bus is not allowed.
Railroad Crossings: The bus driver must stop, look, and listen by opening the bus door and driver window at all railroad crossings. Students shall remain quiet until the bus crosses the tracks to ensure the driver can hear oncoming trains.
Exiting the Bus: Be ready to exit the bus as it approaches the school or designated bus stop. Keep seatbelts on while gathering all belongings. Do not stand up until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver opens the door. Allow the passengers in front of you to exit first before standing up and leaving the bus. Exit the bus only at their designated bus stop.
Crossing the Street: Students shall Inform the bus driver if they need to cross the street. The driver will stop the bus and personally escort them and any parents across the street in front of the bus, using a handheld stop sign while the red lights and stop signal arm are activated.
Get Away from the Bus: After exiting the bus, students must move away from the bus and stay out of the "bus danger zone." If they drop any items when leaving the bus, they must get the attention of the driver before attempting to gather them.
In the Event of an Emergency: Students shall know where all the bus emergency exits are located and how to use them in an emergency. Bus Drivers will provide emergency evacuation instructions and conduct practice drills annually. Staying calm, listening to the bus driver, and following instructions carefully during an emergency.

We take these rules seriously because safety is our top priority. It's important to note that failing to follow the rules will result in disciplinary actions. Here's what could happen:

  • First Citation: A written warning will be sent to the parent/guardian and documented in the student's school record.
  • Second Citation: The second citation during the school year will result in a written notice to the parent/guardian, also documented in the student's school record. The student's transportation privileges will be suspended for five school days.
  • Third Citation: If a third citation occurs during the school year, the student's transportation privileges will be suspended for five school days. Parents will receive written notification.
  • Fourth Citation: If a fourth citation occurs during the school year, the student's transportation privileges will be suspended for forty school days, also documented in the student's school record. Parents will receive written notification.
  • Fifth and Final Citation: If a fifth citation occurs during the school year, the student's transportation privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the school year. Parents will receive written notification.

Please discuss these rules with your child and ensure they understand the importance of following them. Working together can create a safe and enjoyable bus ride for everyone.
In the case of a severe violation, i.e., assault, smoking, fighting, arson, illegal drugs, alcohol, and/or any weapon, the cause will be made to revoke the student's riding privileges for the remainder of the school year if not indefinitely. A severe violation such as the above will normally require law enforcement intervention on the school bus.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at 760.290.2670. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Transportation Fast Facts

60 transportation routes made daily with NEW Home to School transportation routes

1,215 students take SMUSD bus services to and from school every day

108 Transportation Department staff members

84 buses in the Transportation Department fleet, including 7 electric grant-funded buses, with 27 more electric school buses to be added to the fleet by the fall

Last year, the Transportation Department logged 733,663 miles driven, saving parents and families time and mileage on our local roads.