Deferred Retirement Savings Plans 403(b) & 457(b)

Offered through the San Diego County Office of Education - Fringe Benefits Consortium (FBC)

The FBC Model Plan is a comprehensive program offering financial wellness, education, and personalized
retirement planning services to FBC members. As a member of the FBC, San Marcos Unified has elected to provide the FBC Model Plan as a benefit to help you save for retirement and beyond.

All full and part-time employees are eligible to participate in the plan. New employees can enroll immediately on their date of hire or anytime afterwards.

New Enrollments
For new enrollment questions go to to learn more about the full-service and self-service options. 

Phone: 833-752-6322
Email: [email protected]

Program Highlights - FBC Model Plan
FBC Model Plan Get Started
FBC Approved Provider List
2024 Contribution Limits

Already Enrolled
For questions regarding salary reductions on an existing account, please contact SchoolsFirst Plan Administration at 800-462-8328 ext. 4727 or [email protected]

SchoolsFirst - Online Access Instructions
403b Salary Reduction Agreement
457b Salary Reduction Agreement